Sports Field Maintenance
Reel Mowing
A must for all sports fields which are subject to increased traffic and where turfgrass quality is an issue. We have a full line of reel mowing machines to handle multiple fields. Relieve yourself and your organization in handling the daily maintenance of reel mowing equipment and the costly lease program.
Painting/ Striping
Professional quality paint applications for all athletic events, including painting logos. Paint can be mixed with a growth regulator to allow lines to last much longer than conventional aerosol spray applications. Available for any sporting event and any sporting surface.
Topdressing and Hollow
Tine Aerification
We provide the highest quality topdressing and aerification programs. Our equipment provides the best results for high-use athletic fields. Aerification equipment pulls a hollow core at a depth of 3 to 4 inches, and hole spacing is on a 2-inch square pattern. Topdressing applications use only a high-quality washed sand free of weed seed and other contaminants.
Fertility and Weed
Control Programs
Customized Fertilizer applications can be developed with the use of a soil test to meet the specific needs of your situation. Sound agronomic methods have been used to develop our successful fertility programs. Weed control programs are designed to provide a weed-free field year-round. All applications are made by licensed applicators.
Baseball Infield Renovations
Renovation services include loosening clay, topdressing new clay and conditioners, adding clay brick to mounds and batters' boxes, and cutting or leveling skinned infield edges. We exclusively use and sell Diamond Pro Products.

Other Services
Commercial Grounds
Maintenance Programs
(Includes School Grounds) Cost-effective programs available to provide you with the professional service and consultation that you deserve. Our programs are tailored to fit your individual schedule and needs.
Specialty Turfgrass Services
We can provide specialty Turfgrass change-outs and maintenance programs. These specialty Turfgrasses include but are not limited to zoysia grass and hybrid Bermuda grass.
Other Available Services
Diamond Pro Product List
Calcined Clay Top Dressing Bag
Red Infield Conditioner
Calcined Clay Professional
Mound/Home Plate Clay
Red Infield Conditioner
(Professional Vitrified)
Mound/Home Plate
Clay Bricks
Athletic Field Marking Dust
Calcined Clay Drying Agent
Gray Infield Conditioner
Bulk Infield Conditioner
Red and Gray
Other Products
Screened Red Infield Clay
15-yard minimum